December 2011
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Day December 30, 2011































project undertaken at Ashton Raggatt Mcdougall. copyright  A-R-M.

Project Team:

Ray Marshall, Martine De-Flanders, Gab Olah, Peter Charles

Project Details

Acer interior wall, was developed the image of 2 conflicting “ideas” embedded into a material response. Delauney fabric simulation was cross-pollenated with Cellular Automata code, resulting in a cloud like skin or field.

Cast in Stone 2






















Cast in Stone investigates the potential to introduce new prototypes for density next to the railway station within the existing fabric of Dandenong, whilst maintaining its strong eclectic urban character.

Stock Floor

Project Team

Charlotte Algie & Peter Charles












Tokyo Fashion Museum



































Project team:

Gab Olah, Nic Agius, Jessica In & Peter Charles


Project details:

The project was entered into the Tokyo Fashion Museum Competition.

This project  brief for discrete galleries of each decade of japanese fashion from 1910’s to 2000.

We responded by means of a was conceived of as kaleidoscopic journey through each decade, each decade linked physically,the reflections of each decade filtering through literally and metaphorically , by the use of structural almost crystal refractive elements, linking each gallery.

The project was inherently internal, like a giant thunder-egg, cracked open strategically at ground plane to form a plaza, and its shell took cue from the decorative motif named “asa-no-ha” (morning star)

The project in turn gained the title “Cave of Collective Memory”.











Project undertook at Ashton Raggatt Mcdougall,

Copyright retained by A-R-M

Project Team

Design: Howard Raggatt  & Peter Charles

CD: Amber Stewart, Natalie Lysenko , Michael McManus

CA : Steven Ashton, Ray Marshall, Meredith Dufour.

Consultants: Urbis, Rush-Wright Architects & Macleod Structural Engineers.

Project Details

The H-House, located in Port Melbourne, features a facade entirely comprised of off-the-shelf water tanks.

This is the client’s 3rd project. and as such forms a sort of triptage to the series, so it is not a twin, but the latest breed in an evolution,signals a new hopeful era of potentials for the aesthetics of sustainability.The clients brief was for a green oasis. It is a a hark-back to truly “urban” buildings of the city such as the italian palazzo’s.The interior planning, conforms to the modular grid, set down by the water tank facade. Sitting on a corner block,  the building is positioned hard against both streets, providing a sense of enclosure, and passive surveillance to the street.