March 2010
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Day March 4, 2010

yama to kumo no aida (between the mountain and the clouds)






A simple abstract sihouette of mountains and trees is combined with the traditional farmhouse, extruded back as a sloped roof, strategically sited at the corner of the site, taking advantage of the existing sloped banks, in order to allow snow to be shed easily.











Within this shape, a white box gallery is placed, creating a “naka” internal gallery, the engawa gallery in the “cupola space between the box and the farmhouse like walls.





















This wall maximises display space and allows for large and small works. A spiral circulation is created guiding guests on a hourney that meanders in and out of the central box. There is no strict division of the public and private realm, but sleeping quarters are on the mezzanine within the cupola, and services under the mezzanine.


Japan has always been forced to embrace change, the transcient and the ephemeral. The interior roof supporting structure is a cloud like particle storm, of traditional wooden roof construction. It embraces movement and apparent chaos as a new higher order, working as the sum of many parts, akin to a flock of birds which is also reminiscent of the broken but remade.